Introducing December’s student of the month, we have Max Lauver. Max is currently in 12th grade, a senior here at Juniata High School. Some of Max’s activities include golf, tennis, and basketball. He is an outstanding member of the NHS, and enjoys his free time working with his father or being active with his friends. He resides currently in Fermanagh township with his parents. Max’s brother is a senior year student at Juniata College. As of now, he is planning on going to a four year college with a business-related major. His favorite class in school this year is Political Science.  Max is a genuinely good guy that is always willing to step up and help out whenever the situation calls for it. Congratulations to the other students of the month who won in their respective grades. December’s ninth grade winner is Kate Nace. Tenth grade’s winner is Xane Whitesel. And eleventh grade’s winner is Anna Hand.