This school year’s Poetry Out Loud competition took place in the JHS auditorium on December 14, 2022. With a total of seven contestants, honorable mention went to Cassett Trout, 3rd place to Madison Randolph, 2nd to Dantae Harris, and 1st to Peyton Sheaffer. Peyton went on to represent JHS at the regional competition, which was held on February 1st at the PCCA Landis House in Newport. She was accompanied by her classmates, her guidance counselor Emily Wagner, and her AP Literature teacher Jackie Heidenreich. Peyton placed top three in the competition. Juniata is very proud of all the students who participated this year, and we hope to see a good turnout for next year’s competition as well!
JHS Happenings: Poetry Out Loud 2022
March 1, 2023